Snapped board repair. Kneeboard. Snapped surfboard repair. surfboard repairs
Thanks to Albert Munoz for donating his discarded board.
This is a proud
kneeboard that has been crunched by its rider. Hopefully he got a ride
before the fall.
There are 2 main issues for me in repairing this board.
1. joining the 2 pieces so that the board will be as strong as original.
If you have broken 1 board it is possible that you are likely to break
another one so breaking this board again becomes part of that
2. make sure the rocker is perfect.
I am not worried about additional weight as it will only be a matter of
grams but I am more concerned about maintaining the centre balance point
of the board.
The Challenge
A fine kneeboard has almost gone to God.
A complete break through the area in front of the kneeling pad area.
I have determined the balance point of the board and weighed it before
the repair. I want to make sure it's perfect when I finished.
A Clean Look
I have now cleaned off all the paint and glue from the kneepad.
This allows me to see exactly what damage has been done.
The Divorce is Complete
The board was broken
from the top which left the fibreglass on the bottom which had to be cut
This was an easy task with my little dremel.
Stringer Preparation
I have cut a gap beside
the stringer about 1/4" wide and about 2" long which will take the
stringer braces.
the ceremony continues.
There is some highly
technical equipment here. I don't suggest anyone do this at home unless
they are a trained professional.
Don't laugh. The join and rail lines are perfect.
You may kiss the bride
Wow! the union is complete. both pieces are madly in love.
It is now ready to start fibreglassing.
You may kiss the bride
Wow! the union is complete. both pieces are madly in love.
It is now ready to start fibreglassing.
the first stage of fibreglass
I have put 1 patch
inside the scar and one full piece extending at least 4" either side of
the scar.
the first layers of fibreglass.
I have routed out the
deck's damaged areas and put in thin slices of foam to correct the
indents made by the break.
I have put the first lot of colour on the deck. It's actually fluro but it doesn't show up here. It looks great.